1.12.2 Location
Old Policy: 3.7.3 (Revised October 1, 2012; October 1, 2016)
New Policy Created: October 1, 2022
Substantive changes in location at off-campus instructional sites are defined as:
Notifications (25-49% of program鈥檚 instruction)
Approvals (50% or more of program鈥檚 instruction)
Name or Address Change
When substantive changes in location occur, the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Planning notifies the SCC Board of Trustees and the Dean of Planning and Research, who also serves as the SACSCOC liaison.
The Dean of Planning and Research closely follows the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and Procedures to determine if notification or approval is needed based on the type of location change. Appropriate documentation is then submitted to SACSCOC.